Technical Panda 4x4 Parking sensors

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Technical Panda 4x4 Parking sensors


New member
May 4, 2020
Hi, my wife wants parking sensors on her 4x4 TA so I ordered a OEM set from FIAT.
Th instructions show a PANDA but the bumper is different to a 4x4 so has anyone fitted sensors to a 4x4. If so have you got pictures? As the attached file shows to put them on the outside of the Fog lights which would look wrong.:)


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I think mine are aftermarket but look pretty good, photos for reference



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Mine are aftermarket, fitted by previous owner:

(black on black is a bit hard to see, so I circled them!)
Thankyou everyone for posting your photos..

I took some photos while bumper is off and there is a Connector on the metal bumper is this for a toe bar?

Inside the car on the nearside there is a Green connector any idea what that is for?


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Thankyou everyone for posting your photos..

I took some photos while bumper is off and there is a Connector on the metal bumper is this for a toe bar?

Inside the car on the nearside there is a Green connector any idea what that is for?

I wonder if the black connector in the first and green plug in the third photo is in fact for PDC sensors... what's in the plastic bag in the second photo?
The wire running across the beam is to the rear fog light - in fact, you must have disconnected that to take the bumper off?
There is no pre-wiring in the car for a towbar.

EDIT: see item 3 in this link. That is the genuine Fiat rear sensor wiring. You can see a plug that looks like it fits the black one on your bumper bar... and item 4 seems to have a space the right size for the green plug to fit. Odd though that it shows 4 sensors, as there are only three when fitted in the factory?
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here is a better view of the green connector
The plastic bag in the above photo was to keep connectors dry as it was about to rain


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here is a better view of the green connector
The plastic bag in the above photo was to keep connectors dry as it was about to rain

I thought the bag might be that! That green plug does look like it should plug into the boot-mounted unit from the factory-fitted system. Does it fit the one you've bought? (I guess not, otherwise you'd be using it?) See the image in my earlier post from the Fiat parts catalogue.
Im running the buzzer to the front and found another connector under passenger seat not going any where. Must be for the ejector seat


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OK hoping that someone has fitted the Metasystem Parking sensors for Fiat cars, as instructions show to connect Red (2) to reversing wire (grey/green) Fiat wiring not shown, and Black (3) to earth but the connector has 3 red wires ahhhhhh:bang:


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Searching on tinternet I found this:-
So it looks like Pin 2 (black) is earth and Pin 4 (Reds) Live from selecting reverse are where I need to connect. Why couldnt they show this in the instructions that came in box.
Not sure why there are 2 reds on Pin 4 on the white connector? previous picture


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All finished
Looks great, i have this kit to fit next weekend, again on a 4x4… how well do you find it works?

Whilts wiring it up isn’t the issue, I’ve a couple of questions if you don't mind helping?

I’ve not got round to removing the bumper yet and my biggest concern is getting the wiring through into the car… can you advise how you did it? Can these be fed into an existing grommet?

Also your spacings, are they as per the suggested layout on the instructions?

Like you, I hope to paint the outers, do you notice any issues having the outers painted and inner sensors not?

Thanks in advance!