General no reverse gear on cinq

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General no reverse gear on cinq


Mar 18, 2013
my fiat has decided to not go into reverse.

have found that half the cable has disappeared that was attached to the gearstick, but im not sure if it has always been like that.

have replaced the cable with another but it hasnt made any difference. the cable seems to not actually go down when i press the gearstick down, meaning it isnt pressing down into the gearbox i am guessing?

i have also changed the selector box for another ontop of the gearbox, still no reverse.

i have taken the reverse switch out when putting the inhibitor cable back in, is there a set way to put it back in with the 'flat' section facing a set way? should the inner section of the inhibitor be inside the outer section or hanging down?

Really need some help as the m.o.t is in a week and if i need to change the gearbox need time to do it.
For anybody else having the same issue, the 3 bolts at the back the hold the forwards and backwards movement cable had decided to become loose. all sorted now, will be carrying a mini set of spanners with me from now on.