Seicento new to site

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Seicento new to site


New member
May 31, 2014
Hello, Just joined the site, picked up a 1998 sporting today got it as a small project, it has MOT and runs ok just very dirty, I have spent all day cleaning it, will be doing the cam belt etc in the near future, already running a seicento active 03 plate which is a really good comuter, anyone got any ideas how to get the yellow faided paint looking better, only faded on a few panels, I will get some photo's over the weekend, I fancy putting some wider wheels on the sporting, does anyone have ideas on these???:)
I fancy putting some wider wheels on the sporting, does anyone have ideas on these???:)


Check the tyre sizes available (and the price!), proceed from there.

Functionally, it's probably better to upgrade the brakes (which generally means going to 14" wheels and lower profile tyres) unless you're doing fairly serious competition, but some folk like the look of 13" wheels. (They are wrong. :)).
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