Technical New one on me!!??

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Technical New one on me!!??

purple haze

Beware the Panda Face.
Aug 30, 2008
1 Dune st, Riyadh
Ok...just when you think everything is good in the Panda world..

Nice evening..go for a drive..hmmm..maybe fish and chips..:)

Put foot on clutch and the brake lights come on???...Put the lights on full, press the clutch and the brake lights come on and the engine revs dip very low!!!

Put the sidelights on and press the clutch the brake lights come on but the revs do not dip low!!??

Any ideas would be very very welcome and stop me from kicking the car!!!

P.S. The manda guys pointed out that when i changed gear and they were following the lights came on...should have checked it today..:bang:
Lovey Italian electrics..I haven't got a clue sorry, hope you get it sorted before you end up stripping the cars whole electrical system!
Any chance your meddling has chafed a wire somwhere?
Don't want a cooked Panda you know.
WWF wouldn't be impressed.!
Sounds like a short circuit to me. Possibly the wiring for the brake switch has chaffed / is being trapped on/around the clutch mechanism, causing the circuit to close.
Thanks for all the replies guys and girls....

All sorted now...Adjusted the brake light switch and checked the movement of the pedal box...that sorted the brake light/clutch prob.

Then cleaned all the earth's and that sorted the big dip in rev's...(y)

All going well...oopppss...should not say that i know!!..Tempting fate..