Panda New Boy.

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Panda New Boy.


Jun 17, 2023
Hello Panda lovers. I have a 2005 Panda Multijet which had about 9000 on the clock when i bought it. I now have 240000 on the clock and still going strong. Its in reasonable condition, has a few gremlins but it seems to be a self healing car. It has never mechanically broke down except the earth strap corroded and fell off some time ago. I would like to join a group/get to know mechanic / body work folks who can help me keep it going. Best car i have ever had.
240,000 is some going!
Hello Porta... where is the place to ask for mechanical help.... i want to get some renovation done. I am banking on reaching 250000 by next summer and going to a place where all the big cars come to show off..... i will be displaying my car with all the facts and figures ..... the low running costs and the impressive average over 1500 miles of 75 MPG Diesel.... I get 84 MPG on A roads between Aberystwyth and Cotswold (50-60mph) .... i still have the original exhaust.
Put questions in the Panda MK3 (169) section of the forum, with the ‘technical’ prefix…although there are some general sections for general techy’ stuff like info-tainmenet systems
Some of us diehards consider the MK3 to be a MK2 as the the MK1 and later facelift/rear suspension versions to be just and upgrade and not a distinct model…so sometimes your version would be headed MK2
Put questions in the Panda MK3 (169) section of the forum, with the ‘technical’ prefix…although there are some general sections for general techy’ stuff like info-tainmenet systems
Some of us diehards consider the MK3 to be a MK2 as the the MK1 and later facelift/rear suspension versions to be just and upgrade and not a distinct model…so sometimes your version would be headed MK2
Thank you