Styling My Project Punto

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Styling My Project Punto

Apr 30, 2009
The car when bought [Feb 2009]

The car this month [June 2009]

This is what I have done to it since purchase:

  • Head Gasket Replaced
    Starter Motor Replaced
    Air filter replaced
    Alloy wheels fitted
    2x Bass speakers fitted
    1x Sub Woofer fitted
    CD player installed (Not the best! Was free)
    New plates put on (Old ones were damaged)

And the best bit about all that, the only part I paid for was for the Sub Woofer which cost me £79.99

What I am planning to do is

  • Fill in the scratches
    Colour code the bumpers and wing mirrors
    Tint back windows
    Re-colour the interior (currently a bit faded)
    Fit a decent Air Induction kit
    Replace current exhaust
    Replace fan and coolant system


I suggest all Punto users should get stickers!

Any comments and suggestions? This is my first car, insurance is very expensive so I don't want to go overboard.
Looks like a good base to start. Love black puntos full stop
How about clear side repeaters and clear front indicators?
Transforms the whole car I think

My dad said he would change them for me, got a spare Punto in his yard which he uses for parts for mine. Also changing the back lights, will show some photos on the weekend.
i'll have to keep an look out for you next time i'm in swansea

Awesome :) My car is easily identified by the Swansea stickers on the back, I am beginning to dislike the two smaller ones though.. Thinking of removing them and just having the one in the back window.
Forgot to update this in a while. Anyway here I go:-

Done so far
Head Gasket Replaced
Starter Motor Replaced
Air filter replaced
Alloy wheels fitted
2x infinity 6x9s speakers fitted
1x Fusion tube sub-woofer
Kenwood Head unit
Replaced rear speakers with Alpine 7 1.2" speakers
Replaced front standard speakers with BOSS 3" speakers
Lexus lights (probably going to remove these and put tinted standard on though)
New plates put on (Old ones were damaged)
New exhaust fitted

What I was planning to do is
Fill in the scratches - DONE
Colour code the bumpers and wing mirrors - Wing mirrors done bumpers not
Tint back windows - In progress (£110)
Re-colour the interior (currently a bit faded) -In Progress
Fit a decent Air Induction kit - Changed plans
Replace current exhaust - Done
Replace fan and coolant system - Done







Also current in progress of patching up parts of the car with spray paint.
If you've got a fair bit of patching up of paintwork to do, it's probably cheaper to get the whole lot resprayed. You can get them to colour code the bumpers at the same time!

Glad you're getting rid of the "Lexus" lights, they just don't look right on the Punto!

What amp you got running that bass tube?
If you've got a fair bit of patching up of paintwork to do, it's probably cheaper to get the whole lot resprayed. You can get them to colour code the bumpers at the same time!

Glad you're getting rid of the "Lexus" lights, they just don't look right on the Punto!

What amp you got running that bass tube?

Its got an inbuilt fusion amp nothing fancy though.

And it would cost too much to spray the whole car a lot cheaper to do it by myself, got all I need to do it, spray gun, garage, ramp, heat guns you name it