My parked car was hit but third party claims i was driving.

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My parked car was hit but third party claims i was driving.

Mar 3, 2011
Hi. I have a bit of a problem. End of December I was with family for christmas and the new year type stuff and wasn't driving around much as a result left my car at home.

anyway when i did eventually get home I had seen someone had hit my car and took the front bumper off done some damage to my headlights etc. I phoned my insurance and told them about it and they said they would look into it.

Tinkering on. I have recently recieved a letter from some other guys insurance company claiming for damages to his car and claiming that i had driven into the back of him etc. so once again i called my insurance company and told them i have this letter from this third party claiming i hit his vehicle and then told told them about my already existing enquiry about someone hitting my parked vehicle and as such its now under dispute.

has anyone ever dealt with a similar situation and how did they proceed about solving it? I've told my insurance company i can get statements from family saying i was with them on the dates in question but apparrantly because they are family they aren't particularly credible witnesses. so I'm kinda stuck.
Do you think this other driver is the person that drove in to yours or is he just a complete chancer?
He will have to produce evidence that you drove in to him, which presumably he is prepared to falsify.Where did this alleged offence take place? Does he have witnesses?
How far away from the car were you at your family home? Do you have any non-family witnesses?
Sorry I'd forgotten about this.

Anyway managed to make some progress luckily a nearby shopkeepers cctv showed part of my parked car over the christmas period. the last half of my number plate was visible and although the guy hitting my car wasnt caught on the camera my insurers said it did sufficiently show that my car hadn't moved during the days i was at my family and that i wasnt driving it at the time of the accident.

quite lucky really was only by chance that i had mentioned it to the shop keeper in general conversation and then he said he may have caught it on his cctv. few days later he'd found it.