My 24 Hr replacement Punto

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My 24 Hr replacement Punto


Distinguished member
May 23, 2011
Norfolk UK
This is what i've been given while my poorly punto has its backside replaced by dirty panel beaters.

its a hyundai i10 and isn't all that bad really, the interior is made out of plastic builders buckets and key design queues seem to have been taken from a fridge freezer, but it drives quite nicely for a little car, goes ok for a 1.2 petrol and even has a spare wheel unlike most new cars these days! has Aircon a CD player and an annoying little screen that tells you what gear you should be in if your not trying to make the valves dance on the bonnet.

every one should go and buy one I think it can't cost more than about £12.50 for this model?

seriously though it really isn't a bad little car, its no where near as catastrophic as a Corsa.


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I've just handed back the Discovery4 I'd been given whilst my Defender had it's 1st service. It was probably the worst vehicle I've driven. 30% larger than necessary, a mind-boggling array of electronics, most of which not needed, a pop-up gear change dial from a Neff Circotherm oven along with flappy-paddle changers on the steering wheel, only of any use if you're a sea-lion, an 8-speed auto box that needs two weeks written notice of any ratio changes and the interior design scheme of an early eighties Granada Ghia. Off road, it's tyres were as much use as t!ts on a bull.
It was so ungainly that threading it through the school-run traffic of a provincial market town was like trying to get Jo Brand into Kylie Minogues wetsuit. If you're thinking of a D4, don't bother. Get a specced up Defender and with the money you save buy the Wife a new 500/Husband a Ducati.


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I had an i30 for 3 weeks from enterprise and it was OK..

Like you say that gear shift thing is irritating, I ended up taking it to the red line just to annoy it lol.

I learnt to drive in an i30, gear shift thing is very annoying and always made me feel like my instructor thought it would help her students or something, I would purposefully ignore it. It was frowned upon if I red lined it though :(
I had an i30 for 3 weeks from enterprise and it was OK..

Like you say that gear shift thing is irritating, I ended up taking it to the red line just to annoy it lol.

Found out today if you do this to annoy it it keeps telling you higher and higher gears to change into untill it's telling you to change into 5th when you're still in 2nd or 3rd

Also found problem with the control which I took a pic of will post it up later when not on iPad and see if anyone can spot the mistake
I guess that's how they can afford to give out 7 year warranties... because the car slaps you on the wrist for abusing it!

Can just imagine taking the car for a service, and it sits on Mr Hyundai's lap, in tears, telling him of the torment you inflicted on it.
"I had to shout at him to change from 2nd to 5th gear and he wouldn't listen! Void his warranty!"
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