I've tried looking for these as well, but to no avail, it seems daft cos lexus style lights would look so damn good on a bravo. I've emailed demon tweeks and they said that the suppliers of lexus style lights that they know about don't make them, so i asked for the contact details of some of these companies so we can let them know that there is a demand for the bravo, but i don't get a response?!
What company names and email addresses have you got, perhaps everyone on this forum ( or those who want the lights ) should bombard them with email demanding something be done.
That was the idea but demon tweeks won't give me the contact info that they have, i guess we'll just have to find manufacturers of other light clusters then, as we all seem to agree on, let them know we want them for the bravo!
This place will make them for you, but it's very expensive.
They'll make them for any car as long as you've got the cash.
The company in question - Severnside on 01594 562642.
I think they charge about £400!!!
If anyone has any back issues of Revs magazine check out the July 2002 issue. They made the chrome effect lights on the Saxo on the front cover.
I think theres a misprint in the magazine reading it through. Company I think are called-
Ultra on 0800 652 2155.
Blame E-map publications if it's wrong!!
I called Demon tweeks, Checkpoint, Autosave, Halfords, Wallace Performance and Fiat, plus a few other places I cant remember, they all said they cant get them and none would give the name or address of their supplier, ******s
Why do you want to make your car look like a Toyota? The IS200 is one of the worst "mid market" cars going - drive one and see what I mean (it has to be in the awful metallic lichen green that I took out to complete the effect!)
The Bravo lights are a masterpeice, no other car has anything like it, so why make it look like a 2nd rate Japanese car?
The IS200 is only made to look good by the Chrysler Neon - surely the worst "new" car! Actually a friend of mine has one of these and his has a rear spoiler on it - factory fit as well. A spoiler on a Neon, about as much point as having one on a P&O Ferry!