As a follow up........
I didnt need the bog roll, but next day I did spend some money on buying a few spare packs
Reason being should at some time in the future an "emergency" arise I will have piece of mind knowing my situation will be all the more easier. I will congratulate myself for having the forethought to prepare for it by buying some spares and although at the time of purchase I questioned the issue of handing over the cash will in all probability consider it money well spent.
I take legal cover out for the same reason. I dont know if I will ever need it but if I do find myself in the situation where I need it I know I will be glad I made the decision to buy it and despite the outlay consider it worth it in return for the piece of mind it gives.
So to answer your question.....
Why bother to answer
Well its like this........
Maybe I am unique in some way, I just dont know, but what I do have is an abillity to think for myself in situations such as the one you are in and weigh up the advantages of having legal cover against the disadvantages of not having cover. Then after factoring in the costs involved come to a conclusion which will influence my final choice regarding its purchase. However I accept that just because I can easily do it, it doesnt mean everyone can.
I also appreciate different people will have differing priorities and circumstances and consequently that what may be right for me may not be right for someone else. Upshot being I consider it impossible to give a straightforward yes/no answer to questions such as the one originally posed by your good self.
So in light of my way of thinking why not try to follow my lead and learn to weigh up the pros and cons over an issue for yourself
its not too difficult. In addition to legal cover other examples could include
Cornflakes or shreaded wheat for breakfast?
Blue or red shirt tonight?
Spain or Turkey this summer?
Asda or Tesco?
Utd or City.
Life is full of choices, get some practise in and it gets easier to make them