General Key help (sorry if this has been asked before)

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General Key help (sorry if this has been asked before)

Dec 9, 2009
East Yorkshire
This is my first post here, so firstly I'll introduce myself, I am looking to take my test in February, and as a Christmas present my dad has bought me a little V reg fiat punto 60 S. It has 12,800 miles on the clock and got it for a steal at £850, 2 careful old lady owners.

I only have 1 blue key, and the Red key, so I think it's probably best to get another blue key, just incase.

Now I was just wondering if I could buy a blank key with a chip in, such as the one's on ebay, (was going to post a link put i cant until i have done 5 posts) get it cut to match my other blue key, then code it using the red key as I have seen on a guide in this forum, or would I have to get it professionally matched.

Sorry if this has been asked before, I have searched the punto forum but haven't found anything that gives me a definite answer

Thanks in advance
