Just Cause 2

Currently reading:
Just Cause 2


Upstanding Member for Newcastle
Mar 23, 2007
This is coming down in price these days and in the summer gaming drought its a brilliant game. Yes car handling is iffy depending on model (but heavier vehicles and motorbikes are fine as are planes, boats and choppers). In many ways it is pretty substandard, for example the voice acting is truly crap as is the plot and story. But in this game its not really important, all the plot does is get you from one situation where you get to blow s**t up to another one. Main star of the game is the world it is truly massive, travelling by road vehicle from one place to another can take a significant amount of time especially if like me you decide to drive a bus which has to drop down to first gear on the steep inclines found in the central mountain ranges of the eastern island (I ended up accidentally italian jobbing it on a tight downhill 180). Also graphics are truly beautiful especially if you are flying a plane at dawn.

Anyone else got it? Thoughts?
Great game. Using the grapple and the parachute you can float round for miles.

How did I manage to write it up and not mention the grapple....awesome device, personal favourite has to be grappling to a motorcyclist then attaching them to the road behind them, or maybe grappling someone to a gas canister and then setting it off dragging them airborne.