Jeremy Kyle...

Currently reading:
Jeremy Kyle...


Prominent member
Aug 17, 2008
Does anyone else watch it?

This one is rather funny, I've often wondered, how often does the lie detector fail? Compared to how many people say 'its wrong' :LOL:.

This guy was saying the detector was wrong, but when he told the truth (About sleeping with someone else), he didn't say if he still thought the detector was wrong :LOL:.
Don't watch it man! Turn it off while you still can! You'll be overcome by the chavs and the big girls with moustaches.

Then the twitching will start. I've seen it man. I've seen what this brainrot can do to people. Once the drooling starts you know there's no way back......
i can't stand Jeremy Kyle.. (n) bet there are load of chavs who want to pound his head in... :idea:
Havent you got anything better to do with your day than sit at home watching that crap?
it is hard to watch.. like custard said on one hand it makes you feel better about your self seeing all those chavs and women with beard's... but on the other it shows a bleak future on how you kids could end up in the next 16 years...(n)

what's worse for me tho is Jeremy him self, i hate his stuck up, self righteousness attitude even if he is giving these kids a lesson...

Havent you got anything better to do with your day than sit at home watching that crap?

yeah! watch opera instead... :D
Has anyone on the show ever brought up his 'alledged' under age sex with a girl despite being a married man? Or his previous gambling problems?

If i was getting laid into by him thats what id answer back with.

Pot, Kettle Black Mr Kyle perhaps?
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i gave up watching this, cause everytime i turn it on its always the same sort of thing slutty chav, single parent dna test...etc. now i spend my days addicted to discovery watching megastructures, how its made, disc turbo! love it!
Lie detectors are completely discredited. They don't work and no police force, including in the US, uses them.

Jeremy Kyle exploits the poor, thick, degenerate, pathetic, brutalised mess of human failure who seem to constitute a growing segment of the population. They are encouraged by the benedits 'system' to live completely negative lives, and are encouraged by the same 'system' to breed and replicate themselves. It's a Roman circus without the underlying morality (yes) which underscored the Roman system. Instead, we have another equally thick and unkind mob whooping in joy as the toothless dimwits are paraded for public delectation.
It's a Roman circus without the underlying morality (yes) which underscored the Roman system. Instead, we have another equally thick and unkind mob whooping in joy as the toothless dimwits are paraded for public delectation.

A bit like X Factor....(n)