Tuning Ipod

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Tuning Ipod

GA Wilson

New member
Jul 1, 2009
I might have posted this somewhere else but cant find it, doh! Anyway, I plugged my IPOD into the windows slot and the same song played over and over. I dont think its an itunes issue and have tried all the dash combinations such as shuffle, random etc. Anyone any ideas how to get all songs on Ipod to play and not just the same one which is kinda boring!
It could be that everything on your ipod is in m4a or mp4 format apart from that one song. I had a similar thing with a load of music I put on a memory stick, it just played the one song because that was the only one it recognised as a playable file.

The Blue & Me system will only play files in mp3 or WMA format.
Thanks very much folks, God save the Queen by the Pistols can be a bit wearing umpteen times! Will have a bash at that.

ps - this forums excellent for advice!!!
If you want to play your playlists properly then there is a new adapter out

PM Chris@souls or look in the Blue and Me Section of the forums about this. :D
my ipod doesnt work well with blue&me and my songs are all mp3s so i bought a 16gb flash memory, havent tried it yet tho is it better than the ipod?
I use an 8gb stick in mine and it works fine. I set albums up as folders and Blue & Me recognises everything from voice commands.
I've tried all sorts of things. In the end i bought 32Gig flash drive from Asda for 40 quid, works fine. However i now have the same problem playing one some, i will try the loop thing and see if this works. Thanks!