Styling I need help please!!!

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Styling I need help please!!!


May 7, 2009
Milton Keynes
Recently i have fitted my induction kit on my 1.4 8v :) But today i took off the lower front grill to insert a Cold Air Feed that all went well (Y). Accept from when it came to putting the grill back in place i found it wouldnt clip back into place :/ the clips on the bottom of the grill went in fine but the top clips didnt :s every time i pushed it in ( as hard as i could ) the bumper would just bend in and it felt like it was about to snap :s. Could someone please help me & let me know how to do it properly lol.

Thanks Guys :)
ive got the same problem....u need to apply some heat with a heat bothe the grill and the bumper (close to the clips)....that mkes the plastic softer and more managable....should go in then.
ive got the same problem....u need to apply some heat with a heat bothe the grill and the bumper (close to the clips)....that mkes the plastic softer and more managable....should go in then.

thats just time and effort i have a service and repair on wednesday maybe if i metion it to them they might be able to put it in lol
It would anyway. If you think about it logically all a cold air feed does is ram in turbulent air. The whole point of kits such as the gsr's with long length from the throttle body is to make the flow more laminar.

Not judging you I did it on my old punto, partly boredom and partly because I just had the pipe. But it is a waste of time.
You have put a cold air feed to a GSR? lol

Take the top grill out, support the middle bit with your hand and then put in the bottom grill then the top one. You dont need to heat anything.
It would anyway. If you think about it logically all a cold air feed does is ram in turbulent air. The whole point of kits such as the gsr's with long length from the throttle body is to make the flow more laminar.

Not judging you I did it on my old punto, partly boredom and partly because I just had the pipe. But it is a waste of time.

Well i was just experimenting i was bored lol but thanks anyway :)