How to shine for a noob ;)

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How to shine for a noob ;)

Jun 11, 2007
Uttoxeter, Stoke
Hey dudes.
seeing as though my car is fresh out the body shop with its new paint.. I thought I better learn how to clean it properly!

I realy am a noob at this.

So help please!

How do i clean it properly? I see the two bucket technique with a mitt and that looks simple enough, so where's the best place to get a mitt? ebay?

but what polish's and wax's do I use/ Should I Use

My car is silver as i know different stuff is better on differenct colours..

im sure someone can send some tips my way :D
Last edited: and be your friend wash mitt get the Megs one for about 8 quid, two buckets B & Q 1 quid each lol Andy Monty will probably suggest Bilt Hammer Auto wash or i would suggest Zaino Z-7 Car wash my current one.

Pre-wash need a PW, and foam lance from clean your car thats about 45 quid, next is some snow foam for it either Valet Pro PH Neutral or Bilt Hammer auto bath i think its called

Next is clay personally currently using some megs smooth claying kit which is good for beginners im going to move on to buy some Bilt Hammer Auto Clay SOFT or Sonus extra fine next not the regular Bilt Hammer clay though as it can be a little difficult to work with...uness you keep it in a tub of warm water to keep soft. BH clay can be used with water has a lube although sonus and Megs need proper QD which is pricey so i am just currently using some of my last AG car shampoo and water in a spray bottle


Polishing by hand i would go with AG SRP use a small amount to avoid dusting and work well do each panel seperately and probably repeat each panel twice. AG SRP is mostly fillers though so it will just fill the swirls if there any although it does have some cut to it to remove small amount of swirls. Or invest in getting a a Machine Polisher Kestral DAS-6 or Meguairs G220 using a Menzera or Megs polishies

Finally, waxing all dependent on how much you want to spend really tbh... it's ALL DOWN TO THE PREPARATION TBH WHEN POLISHING personally i would either go with Collonite 476/Victoria Concourse/AG HD Wax or if you fancy spending abit more go for Dodo Juice Supernatural V2 about 95 quid or even (if like me) Swissvax Best of Show (BOS) at 135 quid a tub....

for more info i would defo consider visiting Detailing World (DW) [URL=""][/URL]
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Pre-wash need a PW, and foam lance from clean your car thats about 45 quid, next is some snow foam for it either Valet Pro PH Neutral or Bilt Hammer auto bath i think its called

Next is clay


Finally, waxing all dependent on how much you want to spend really tbh... it's ALL DOWN TO THE PREPARATION TBH WHEN POLISHING personally i would either go with Collonite 476/Victoria Concourse/AG HD Wax or if you fancy spending abit more go for Dodo Juice Supernatural V2 about 95 quid or even (if like me) Swissvax Best of Show (BOS) at 135 quid a tub....

It should be washed before claying, not just pre-washed.

Post-claying a through rinse will do, I tend to re-foam then rinse and dry.

As you say it's down to the prep so cheap and cheerful EGP is what I'd go for to top SRP, or collinite 476's as it's cheap and durable. Been there and done it with expensive waxes and IMO it makes very little difference. Spend the money on paintwork correction.
i thought he would of had the sense to realise this...and im not taken in by any of the z**** s*ite, SV BoS did get the best durability results though over Colly...ok huge price difference....but the DW wax results show this...ofc on correct prep work again...