General How much can 1.2 8v engine live ? (mileage)

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General How much can 1.2 8v engine live ? (mileage)


Mar 14, 2018
I was wondering, is there a general number of kilometers when 1.2 8v engine is expected to die or fail ?
Like an average number ?
Looking for answer along the lines of "up to *insert number of kilometers* you should expect smooth ride for the most part with regular maintenance, after that engine starts breaking down and failing and its time for new car"

Also, whats the most mileage you have seen on a 1.2 8v engine ?

I guess I am trying to gauge the life expectancy of an average 1.2 8v engine.
Mine has 250k kms, it is not burning oil at all.
I have seen 300k working just fine.
I am trying to define the life expectancy.To me , the worst is a big failure in piston rings , something like huge oil burning, scores in cylinder walls leading to low compression ,or a crankcase failure(e.g valve seats burning).Whatever of these means costly repairs,and given the high milage of the car, usually leads to scrapyard.
Of course, regular maintenance is a key to prolonged engine life.
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It lasts as long as it lasts until it doesn't. :rolleyes: That's simple. Age has a lot to do with it, not the mileage. Old engine will most likely fail emissions test and need engine rebuilt.
It lasts as long as it lasts until it doesn't. :rolleyes: That's simple. Age has a lot to do with it, not the mileage. Old engine will most likely fail emissions test and need engine rebuilt.
This ^^^

Honestly you can’t say how long an engine will last as over the life of an engine there are so many variables that dictate its longevity. Then there is how much someone is willing to pay to repair said engine, someone’s tolerance to scraping a car can be considerably lower than someone else’s.

Then given the ‘city’ nature of fiat cars they are more likely to end up in accidents, they are more likely to encounter more speed bumps and pot holes more road salt in the winter, combined with short journeys where things don’t warm up or dry out. The car can be a wreck long before the engine wears out.