Help a newbie....hello btw

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Help a newbie....hello btw


New member
Aug 27, 2013
Hiya all,

Not sure this is where this should be but here goes.

I had to buy a new car short notice last week and ended up with a Multipla 2002 model (but don't ask me exactly which one.) with 138k on the clock.

So, I REALLY want to be enthusiastic about my new little frog, I am used to quirky cars having always owned Rovers but....boy oh boy.

I appear to have bought a bit of a lemon tea (not quite a lemon but you get the pic) and ANY help and opinions (short of collapsing in a heap laughing) would be helpful.

£475 bought me a car that at least starts BUT! I have taken it to the garage and this is what they can find so far. (n)

New tyre
Blowing exhaust (apparently the bracket has been put on in the wrong place)
New brakes all round, probably including the handbrake.
Rear wheel wont turn of its own accord due to said brakes
New cambelt (although within milage its over 7yrs)
Gearbox oil leak

THAT is just underneath

I have also found...

Bullseyed windscreen which seems to have been filled very badly

On the dash...

Airbag light on red, won't go off.
As you look at the dash, by the steering wheel there is a bank of 5 buttons under the speedo, rear windscreen heater works, hazard lights work, but the other 3, nothing.
The blowers dont work
The button with the 'snowflake' on is permanantly lit up (BUT that was only after a bit of exploring by yours truly, opened a small panel by my knees and found a multi pin black connector that I put back together) wth IS the snowflake??

WHERE is the fuse panel? Just in case its THAT simple.

I have no manual but I dont consider myself to be daft where popping a bonnet is concerned.

I REALLY want to love this awesomely quirky little car, so if anyone can give guidance on prices I will be paying, HOW I can test things out before getting the big guns in, or just simply sympathy, I would really really appreciate it.

Snowflake is the air conditioning button. It is possibly not blowing cold as it likely needs a regas. (£50)

As boilermansab advised, you paid the right price for a multipla needing work. Sort the bad bits and you will have a good motor.

If I put myself in your shoes I would

New tyre + Tracking (£60-£90)
Blowing exhaust at half an hours labour from a garage. I was quoted £30 for this on my last cars MOT when I fitted a new exhaust. (not multipla)
New brakes disks and pads + handbrake cable. (£200)

New cambelt (although within milage its over 7yrs) - (£420+ according to the history of my vehicle (also in the forum)).

Gearbox oil leak (seepage or dripping). Mine has the same and is currently being checked by the Fiat Dealer. As in they cleaned the engine on the last service and I need to go back in next weeks to see where its seeping from.

The windscreen may be able to be smart repaired again under glass insurance on your policy. Mine is £25 for a smart repair or £95 for a new screen.
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Thank you all for your replies, I will keep you posted on what happens. The bloody fuses are still eluding me though.
If you have purchased the car from a dealer*, then they should not sell (for road use) a car with obvious safety faults (in your case the tyre & airbag light issues).

That said, the list of stuff you have to fix is fairly normal for a car of its age and price - no matter what the make or model.

You're in the right place, there's a wealth of knowledge and experience on this forum.

* Interestingly, the Road Traffic Act makes it illegal for anyone to sell a car that is not roadworthy. This applies equally to private sellers and traders. Anyone who sells an unroadworthy car may be prosecuted and fined £5000.

Personally, if I were selling an older car in this price bracket, I'd sell it as "spares or repairs only" & get the new owner to sign acceptance accordingly...
If the gears change smoothly, the clutch releases fully and the subframes haven't rusted through, you've still got a fairly good deal.

The brakes will be cheap to replace/fix.

Fuses - lift up the lid on the top of the dashboard, directly in front of the steering wheel. Inside the compartment, you'll see 2 small grey catches - twist these 90 degrees and the floor of the compartment can be lifted out. Most of the fuses are under. There are a few 'major' fuses in the engine bay, next to the battery.

It may help to download the handbook from here, bottom of the 'General Info' section:

Bear in mind that it's for the later 'square nose' (spit :yuck:) Multi, but there's a lot shared between the two.
Help . . .

. . . The bloody fuses are still eluding me though.
Open the Driver-side Dash-top 'Glovebox', take out all the sweet-wrappers, pens, rubber-bands, car-park tickets, etc, etc, then remove the base by turning the two little grey plastic 'tabs' at the back edge 1/8 turn anti-clockwise and lifting it out.
To replace, make sure the front edge is tucked under the lip, drop it down, and lock with the tabs.

Must type faster, and not get distracted by Chocolate mid-way through posting . . .
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Mmmmm choklit! See now being a long time Rover girl, thats a cubbyhole not a glove box, mostly cuz I'm a shortarse n I cant reach it from sitting without leaning on the horn! I have a sneaking suspicion a few are dead or not there. Oh theres nothing in there by way of wrappers, tickets, cds etc.....yet. :D
If the gears change smoothly, the clutch releases fully and the subframes haven't rusted through, you've still got a fairly good deal.

All those are fine thankfully. I really do think it can be a good little car but at the moment because of my track record I am a lil wary of her.