Hello to one and all

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Hello to one and all


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Bedlington, Northumberlan
Hi peeps
Mick here, just bought a marea 105 jtd weekend, in 18 years its the 4th deisel i have owned and the first estate i have owned.
I parted with an xj-sport jaguar to get this as i am only currently working part time/casual and have just adopted a 3 year old english bull terrier that didnt like the jag lol ( and just incase anyone has a problem with the dog - blame the deed not the breed! she is soft as custard!!!!)
Anyway - Am now a tractor estate driver :eek: at least for the near future as i couldnt justify the 18 to the gallon the jag was getting!
So far so good am happy with marea, ironically i bought an estate for the dog and i have to let her ride on the back seat at the minute as the o/s boot catch is useless :( i ordered one from the stealer yesterday but the useless git has obviously never seen anything more complex than a pushbike and ordered the striker - even though i asked for the catch in the boot lid not the bit on the body !!! luckily i realised that 8.32 was way too cheap for the aprt i wanted so i have been along today and showed him the car so he now knows what a fiat marea weekend looks like ( honestly when i got there he said " i have never seen one before"???
The only reason i went to the stealers is cause the only other person to have one was some div in scouse land who spent 15 mins finding the car only to ask what catch on the drivers side of the bootlid did i want??????:bang::bang:
Anyway obviously it is way slower than my jag was but apart from parts seem scarce ( need a couple of bits) and the fact i expect bits to drop off it daily( me last fiat was a L reg tipo) am well happy as the fiat has done 100 miles on £10 - whereas the jag would have done in £20/£25:eek::eek::eek:

Well hello to all and i am off for a mooch around the forum now to see how to get more power but maintain half decent fuel economy:D:):)

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