General Heavy use.

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General Heavy use.

Mar 15, 2008
I use my Fiorino Pick/Up as a daily driver to get to work, 50 mls a day, 5 days a week, for the last 10 years....!!
Last week I had to make some long journeys, and I decided to use the Pick Up instead of our other, more comfortable car.
So I drove about 800 mls, yesterday and the day before.
Again, I´m impressed by this little, old car, it just goes on and on and on...!!
Just how many miles does your Fiorino have on the clock now?!

I'm the same though, I can't believe how reliable mine has been in the year I've owned it - I've racked up about 10,000 miles already for nothing but the cost of diesel and a inner CV boot!
Today I changed the engine oil ( Castrol Magnatec Diesel 10W40) and oilfilter ( Fram) together with the gearbox oil ( Castrol SMX-S).
I'm always very punctual when servicing my cars, but this time I was about 1500 mls overdue...!!
I made to many mls. lately...!!
It was the second time this happens to me with this car in about 10 years..!