General headlight bulb replacement

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General headlight bulb replacement


May 8, 2011
Long time since I was here, and that was bulbs!!!
Anyone know why, after changing my offside dipped beam bulb, it's shining up in the air? I had to change the nearside a couple of months back with no problem so I'm baffled. Cheers1:confused:
It may not be seated properly. The bulb rim has indentations that have to sit in exactly the right place in the housing. I got it wrong once and had the beam pointing skwards. In this dark, wet weather fitting a bulb is a real pain, and I lost one of the retaining clips for the plastic backing cover in the dark recesses behind the bumper the last time I did it, and just left the thing retained with one clip as I walked back into the house in the rain and dark cursing.

I've done bulb changes with a torch between my teeth, or resting on the engine somewhere, and I always use rubber gloves which end up torn to shreds.

Or else; the whole light housing needs adjusting, but this is less likely.

My 'new' Doblo has more accessible bulbs... I hope...
Thanks chaps, yes it wasn't seated properly and is now horizontal, before it was pointing downwards and as I assume it reflects off the back would that be the source of the skywards beam?.
It is broad daylight so it's difficult to tell, pointing the car
at a fence it does seem to be not now lighting the heavens!! Although I have to say it is still somewhat higher than the nearside, not a lot but on putting on main beam that offside beam also seems a tad higher, is this the norm?
Could I trouble you guys also answer me one more question. The bulb in the main beam seems to be exactly the same as the dipped, which it isn't in the handbook, what gives? (I had the car from new)
Many thanks once again.
Could I trouble you guys also answer me one more question. The bulb in the main beam seems to be exactly the same as the dipped, which it isn't in the handbook, what gives? (I had the car from new)
Many thanks once again.

Handbooks are subject to variation, never trust them 100% :p
Replace same with same. Identify what the bulb says it is. The ident is normally on the metal part below the flaired part. As mentioned before make sure it is "seated" as the one taken out.:)