Technical Has anyone ever heard this noise?

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Technical Has anyone ever heard this noise?

Hi , yes heard of this noise before , your car needs a new steering column assembly .....:eek:
Hi , the recall was for checking the tightness of the steering shaft bolt . The noise you have got is from the steering column . Have you had the warning light for the steering come on ? The first thing you should do is to take it to e dealer to see if there are any errors in the system . :eek:
Well I rang Fiat today and it appears that my car did go back for the recall and that the previous owner just did not put that information with the log book -_-, also the noise is definately coming from the Motor itself, stripped the car down last night and you can tell imediately. Also the power steering fully cut out last night, got really heavy but I was soooo happy because the noise stopped however 30 minutes later it decided that it didn't want to die and came on again (bringing the noise back too) :mad: just need to wait until the 7th when I get paid and buy a whole new steering motor and column.