G Gracie Moho New member Joined Jun 6, 2023 Messages 1 Points 1 Location Chesterfield Jun 6, 2023 #1 Had a Ducato based Swift motorhome since January, opted for the automatic box and it's a real pleasure to drive. It is a 130 engine which is OK, when it has loosened up a little we'll see about tweaks. Enjoying the ride.
Had a Ducato based Swift motorhome since January, opted for the automatic box and it's a real pleasure to drive. It is a 130 engine which is OK, when it has loosened up a little we'll see about tweaks. Enjoying the ride.
PuntoHowTo That Guy off YouTube Parked in the garage Joined May 23, 2011 Messages 15,419 Points 3,682 Location Norfolk UK Jun 6, 2023 #2 Welcome to the forum !!!