I brought a 09 Grande punto on 22nd of may 2009
within 3 days of owning the car, i noticed it started getting louder as if i had a induction kit on it :S. So i popped the bonnet open & noticed the black air box seal has melted away :/ the Black glue started to seperate. I took it back to Fiat and they said they dont know what has happend & are unable to fix it, contact my breakdown cover :/ (what bull**** is that?) lol so i though f*ck ya Fiat i will get myself a GSR induction kit
works a dream 
but yeah basicly i was just wondering if this has ever happend to anyone eles or is it just my luck lol
but yeah basicly i was just wondering if this has ever happend to anyone eles or is it just my luck lol
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