There are compatible gear box options for different ratios, the Sei Sx and Sei MPI all have different ratios... there are 6 speed boxes, and a LSD group buy...
The MPI Abarth also has a different overall ratio (but -- although it will fit and offers a sightly higher final drive, stay away from the non - Sporting, non - Abarth 1108 boxes -- they have wet inner pot joints and are, consequently, pretty fragile).
hi guys thanks for the replies.
yer the general idea was to lower the gear ratios, drop the top speed off and gain the acceleration off the line, any alternative ideas?
You could try an Abarth (genuine -- MPI) gearbox. They lowered the final drive to enable it to cope with 14" wheels, so if you use it with 13s..........
Straight bolt on fit, will have speed sensor rather than cable drive, but that should just be bolt for bolt if required.
Seeing as the Abarth gearbox was designed with the 14" wheels in mind, whereas the one currently in yours was designed for 13s, by fitting 14s on yours you are raising the overall gearing as they have a bigger diameter. Fitting the Abarth gearbox as well would bring back the gearing to what it should be. By both fitting the box AND going back down to 13" alloys, you would end up with lower gearing.