Off Topic Garages... :D

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Off Topic Garages... :D

Dec 3, 2003
The land that time forgot
So, the Younger Mrs S. has a friend who bought a 500 Lounge 1.2.

She knows I tinker with the Younger Mrs S's Rasputin (that's her car, not a euphemism) so one day she asks why her oil light keeps coming on.

I says "have you checked the oil level?" and she replies.. yes.. but then adds that the level keeps dropping, ever since she had the sump pan "fixed" by the garage where she bought the car.

I'm not sure now, whether the sump had been welded up to fix a leak (Rasputin had similar bodgery) or whether the sump was new but the plug is about to fall out.. etc. so I went over with my half-a-can of 5W40 and a 10mm allen key to have a look.

Under the car looks like the Exxon Valdez (ask your dad) with stricken seabirds and rainbows all over the pavement.... but the sump is new and the plug is tight, and the bolts are all tight. Only I can't see any RTV/sealant in the joint. It looks like they fitted a sump without using any sealant or gasket at all.

The garage has to collect the car on a low-loader and take it the 75 miles back to Swansea, fix it.. and then bring it all the way back again.. probably wiping out whatever profit they made in selling the car.

I'm not sure whether the episode is amusing or appalling.. but anyway, the next time you make a gaff of monumental proportions while fixing your car, at least be comforted that you are just an amateur.. and also, if in doubt, use lots of instant sealant on it, whatever the job is.. 😬

Ralf S.
So, the Younger Mrs S. has a friend who bought a 500 Lounge 1.2.

She knows I tinker with the Younger Mrs S's Rasputin (that's her car, not a euphemism) so one day she asks why her oil light keeps coming on.

I says "have you checked the oil level?" and she replies.. yes.. but then adds that the level keeps dropping, ever since she had the sump pan "fixed" by the garage where she bought the car.

I'm not sure now, whether the sump had been welded up to fix a leak (Rasputin had similar bodgery) or whether the sump was new but the plug is about to fall out.. etc. so I went over with my half-a-can of 5W40 and a 10mm allen key to have a look.

Under the car looks like the Exxon Valdez (ask your dad) with stricken seabirds and rainbows all over the pavement.... but the sump is new and the plug is tight, and the bolts are all tight. Only I can't see any RTV/sealant in the joint. It looks like they fitted a sump without using any sealant or gasket at all.

The garage has to collect the car on a low-loader and take it the 75 miles back to Swansea, fix it.. and then bring it all the way back again.. probably wiping out whatever profit they made in selling the car.

I'm not sure whether the episode is amusing or appalling.. but anyway, the next time you make a gaff of monumental proportions while fixing your car, at least be comforted that you are just an amateur.. and also, if in doubt, use lots of instant sealant on it, whatever the job is.. 😬

Ralf S.
Thats when they let the work experience boy do the work!:eek: that or the old git whoes about to retire and dont give a :poop: