Styling Front seat swap.

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Styling Front seat swap.


Punto POWER!
Sep 16, 2009
I have the offer of two leather bucket seats and was thinking of fitting to my 3 door GP. Just wondering if the wire connected to the pressure pad (i assume) in the drivers seat (checking if i have my seatbelt on etc) is connected to any other components such as airbags. Also if anyone has experience of changing seats and would like to share some info/advice that would be most welcome.

thanks in advance

Havent any subframes for them yet, was trying to determine how difficult it will be to take out existing seats before getting any further, am i right in thinking subframes are around £50 or so?

sorry if im being stupid, relatively new to the game:)

ps if you know anyone interested in the standard seats i may be taking out...:D

thanks matt
or if you have any better ideas of upgrading seats do please share! (y)
Depends what type of seats they are for the price of subframes. Will be like 4 bolts to take the seats out but then you have to sort the airbags out and i dunno what you need to do for that.
yea thats what i was worried about, could end up being more hassle than its worth, i dont know enough about the technical side of things...ah well ill maybe have to make do with the standard seats then.. just thought it could have been a nice wee mod/upgrade that wouldnt have cost the world...
cheers smally, does that mean that they're definatly not connected to the airbags, i mean for example if someone crashed into my car while it was parked with no one in it, would the airbags go off? or does there have to be someone in the car. hope that makes sense.

thanks for replies!
ah cool cool, so in theory i would just have to use the existing seat belt to avoid messing around with that... but that should be possible right?:yum:

thanks for your help!
What does the underseat wiring consist of? would it be possible to attach it to another seat? cheers smally:)
i dont know mayatt:( would this make it difficult to swap the seats?
correct matt! It gets really annoyed with me if i drive with no seatbelt. (sorry for delayed reply...had to actually go to school):eek:
hmmm, does anyone know for sure if this is the case? or anywhere i may be able to find out... should i just take out the old seat and see what happens:yum:
are you sure matt? my car doesnt beep if my passenger doesnt wear their seatbelt