Forza Motorsport 4

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Forza Motorsport 4


Upstanding Member for Newcastle
Mar 23, 2007
Its out next Friday, Demo is out now...looking like its gonna run GT closer than ever, they've got rid of the bright cartoon textures off it.




Cannot wait, now featuring top gear test track and the kia cee'd...and a whole host of other small crap but potentially fun cars (download the demo do the rivals challenge in the M5 there are loads of new sub supermini class cars running around)
Impressive sounds :cool: Probably the best of any game i've encountered.. But then from one video you can't always tell.

Ferrari F40 sounds pretty awesome too

They say they've redone all the sounds on the game from thr ground up...we'll see when it ships but its already 10x better than GT sound wise that and apparently the engine sounds now change as you modify the cars which wasn't in FM3
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Well you can drive with kinect by holding out your hands and feet and pretending to drive....I'd rather set my xbox on fire than do that but its possible..

If you want to preserve your dignity you can play as usual but use the kinect sensor for head tracking while in cockpit view so if you move you head slightly to the right or left you can look around, for example at the apex of an upcoming corner or check your mirrors.

And finally you can use it to look around the cars in auto vista mode and give some voice commands etc.