ffs, have you learned nothing?

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ffs, have you learned nothing?

If you think thats bad, you should see the banks latest offers for business funding.

They are going to charge the full interest of any overdraft, whether it is being used or not.

Where did that come from?


The banks have learned they will be bailed out by the Government with public money, witness Jai's example, and the re-stated intent to pay huge bonus payments again. A Darlings attempts at banking reform are, quite honestly pathetically feeble tinkering at the edges.

The whole system for banking needs root and branch reform, as does government.

"niche offer"? my arse, you know damned well will start the ball rolling again.....lending too much money to people who can't afford it.....the result is well documented, give us a break :bang::bang::bang::bang:

Oh ffs :rolleyes: :bang:.

Although the biggest problem was happening in america giving mortgages to out of employment rednecks who are too stupid to wipe their own ar*e never mind hold down a job to pay the mortgage.