Ello to you all !

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Ello to you all !


New member
Mar 27, 2006
Nottingham !!!
Just a quick note to say Hi to everyone ! Im sure this forum will provide some good reading whilst at work !

I have a few questions to ask so will put them in the relevant board !

any way !

ELLO !!!!

:worship: :cool:
I got a Fiat Punto 75SX M Reg 1994 - Only been driving June 05 had the car since then. Going quite well, the owner before me did quite a lot of work on it, about 2/3 year ago it had a new engine. all ive had to do so far is replace front shocks and rear springs. Altohugh saying that I do need to replace handbrake cable, rear shocks are heavily coroded and got a oil leak from the rocker casket but these are relatively cheap and simple to sort out... I hope !
Wallis_Online said:
I got a Fiat Punto 75SX M Reg 1994 - Only been driving June 05 had the car since then. Going quite well, the owner before me did quite a lot of work on it, about 2/3 year ago it had a new engine. all ive had to do so far is replace front shocks and rear springs. Altohugh saying that I do need to replace handbrake cable, rear shocks are heavily coroded and got a oil leak from the rocker casket but these are relatively cheap and simple to sort out... I hope !

:eek: Rocker CASKET :eek: have you bought a coffin on wheels then Wallis :) dont worry you have plenty of knowledgable peeps on here with Puntos BUT watch out for my mate FUZZY DAVE :p :D [little banter that that goes on between me and he ]:D
PNL said:
:eek: Rocker CASKET :eek:

Whoops ! Didnt realise I did that ! im sure you all knew I meant rocker Gasket ! or whatever the hell its called !

As you can tell im not that knowledgable about the mechanics of cars but after reading a few previous posts on here im suprised how clear and easy the information is that has been provided ! Well done to everyone for that !

Im sure with everyones help I can get quite a lot done with the car !
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