Tuning Electronic Ignition, is it worth it?

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Tuning Electronic Ignition, is it worth it?


New member
May 17, 2020
I have searched and read a few comments about Electronic Ignitions, namely "Accuspark, 123 Ignition, and Powerspark". But what do they really do and how do they actually work?

I generally have no issue firing up the engine within a couple of cranks; "cold" engine (Temp 20'c), blips of gas before and after turning the key+choke, and crank it with a couple of blips.

Thanks a lot
Just for your information, a couple of 'blips'on the throttle prior to cranking the engine over has absolutely no effect at all---the standard carburettor on the 500/126 engines does not have an accelerator pump. The "choke", again on the standard carbs, is just a simple enrichment device---there is no 2nd butterfly to 'choke' the engine of air.
To answer you question---the whole point of "electronic" ignition, as against 'points' ignition, is that with any of the 'electronic' options, the points and the condenser, both possible sources of problems, are done away with. The simple and relatively inexpensive systems (Powerspark, Accuspark etc) are 'Hall' effect systems; very simple and generally speaking, reliable. They do have a POSSIBLE down-side in that they are sometimes affected by the heat of the 'cooling' air coming from the engine, which due to the position of the distributor, is blown over it. The "123" system is a much more sofisticated system and therefore quite a lot more expensive. The "123" system comes in 2 forms---either an 'add-on' which relaces the distributor cap and the bulk of the bits inside the distributor or, as a complete 'looks like standard' distributor. Not withstanding the above, maintained properly, and with a high-quality condenser (Swiftune SW.IG-CC) "points" ignition will give you very little trouble, and seems not to be heat affected. In the end, it is all down to personal preference!
I have searched and read a few comments about Electronic Ignitions, namely "Accuspark, 123 Ignition, and Powerspark". But what do they really do and how do they actually work?

I generally have no issue firing up the engine within a couple of cranks; "cold" engine (Temp 20'c), blips of gas before and after turning the key+choke, and crank it with a couple of blips.

Thanks a lot

Hi Alezone.

I have the 123 full ignition kit and a electronic fuel pump fitted to my engine and my car fires from cold start on the first attempt (2-3 cranks) every time! (With a little choke) it also hot starts very easily. I can’t recommend this setup highly enough. It is pricey but very worth it.
does it mean you have a "Start Engine" button? or are you still using the lever next to the choke lever? Do you have any photos for reference?

I'm very new to this car and interested to know all the possible options about it. :worship: