I have a 1996 Swift Kontiki based on a Ducato 2.5 TD, that developed a brake problem while away over the weekend. Running at normal speed everything is fine, but when crawling in traffic and the engine running at low revs the brake pedal went absolutely solid and it took a real effort to get any braking effect. Revving the engine brought the brakes back up again with plenty of pedal travel and normal braking effect. Was able to repeat the problem by letting the engine idle and then trying braking, again the pedal had gone solid. Seems to me there must be a problem with the servo, or vaccuum pump or whatever that is allowing the vaccuum to 'leak away'. Has anyone experienced this as well? Any idea where the problem is likely to be originating from or what is the best way to diagnose which bit is causing the trouble? Does anyone know of a reliable garage near Tunbridge Wells that they can recommend. I dont want to get ripped off!