So it seams to me, that you have a 'confortmatic' gear roboter. I had one too, but sold it, thanks god.
The handbook will not help you at all. Even repair shops are mostly not 'specialists' on that playground.
First help is: Disconnect MINUS from the battery and wait some minutes befor reconnection.
- Sometimes the controller of the Selespeed-gearbox is confused, because i.e. the car was not properly parked in the 'N' oder 'R' position.
- Sometimes, if not properly handled: You HAVE to open the drivers door, before you start this car, because during door opening, the internal gear electronik will start a pump to load the hydraulic pressure of the gear roboter up to 50 bar. If you start that car without opening, the hydraulic pressure might be to low and might fail.
If you open the drivers door you will hear a sound from that pump for about 3-4 seconds. If not, the relay, which switches the pump ON is faulty, or the pump itself or the hydraulic pressure container.
And/or if the liquids of the gear were never changed (Mostly not, because of bad instructed service personal).