hi got a motorhome 2.8 2001 got no power to window motors and elec mirrors fuses all ok and power to fuse box .Window motors both ok but no power can any body help please ..
Thanks will try that this weekend .There was power to both window and mirrors till i was trying to get one window motor going it was stuck and messed with motor think i haved fused something
If it has the later setup there is a control unit behind dash top left of the glove box you can manually activate the relays - they're open frame type - to check the wiring. Relay drivers can blow think its uln2005 or something.
Up date on fiat 2.8 it'd. Ducato motorhome. Just had the problem fixed. Blown fuse behind dash driver side right up bulkhead in side cab would never have found it myself powers windows and mirrors and a bad connection to drivers side window motor. hope this helps somebody if same problem.