Technical Does anyone know ?

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Technical Does anyone know ?


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Two questions.

1. The tempreture gauge always goes higher tham the half way mark and stays there or goes down it never goes up. Could this be a headgasket problem.

2. how can i take of the annoying clips to change the water and put new coolant in ?

3. What size allen key do i need to open the sump nut to change my oil ?

Go on give your brains a scratch.
Does the temp gauge go up when you are stuck in traffic and go down when you are driving? If so it could be the thermostat is stuck open. It happened to mine and is a simple job to replace.

You need an 8mm allen key to open the sump plug, I have a set of these, covers most cars.

The annoying clips can be opened by putting a flat bladed screwdriver in the slot and twisting 90 degrees either way (if you are on about the ones I think you mean)

And that was 3 questions :p
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Two questions.

1. The tempreture gauge always goes higher tham the half way mark and stays there or goes down it never goes up. Could this be a headgasket problem.

Nope, unless there are any other symtoms. I presume the coolant level doesn't change between weekly checks.

After all, it is only a gauge, not an instrument.

2. how can i take of the annoying clips to change the water and put new coolant in ?

Either the screwdriver method outlined previously, or grab the tag with needle nose pliers and wind off.

3. What size allen key do i need to open the sump nut to change my oil ?

Sorry contestant you are out of questions after 2.

Go on give your brains a scratch.

Rather scratch my baws.

