Technical digital bit on dials keep flashing on and off. hmm whats wrong?

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Technical digital bit on dials keep flashing on and off. hmm whats wrong?

May 10, 2009
hi FF.

just bouught myself a speedo with a rev counter.

i took out my old speedo set, fitted the new 1. and wired everything up properly...

the time was showing and it was on 00:00 so i set the time correctly...

as soon as i turn the ignition on the timer display keeps flashing, as does the trip counter, current milage and mpg display...

anyone know what the problem is as im stumped and crap with electricals like this. my old dials were fine and they weren't flashing.

thanks in advance, Carl.
It needs Proxi alignment (Dealer only).

The 'new' cluster isn't set-up to "talk" to the other ECU's on your car via the CAN network.

It's been discussed a million times on here.
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It needs Proxi alignment (Dealer only).

The 'new' cluster isn't set-up to "talk" to the other ECU's on your car via the CAN network.

It's been discussed a million times on here.

Didn't pick up that it was a canbus car, sorry.

Some auto electricians have Examiner clones that will also do the set up.


It needs Proxi alignment (Dealer only).

The 'new' cluster isn't set-up to "talk" to the other ECU's on your car via the CAN network.

It's been discussed a million times on here.

thanks for that, i did try a search but it was hard to find something so i made my own thread. how much would a dealer usually charge for this? and what does he/she do, re programme the ecu so to speak?

Didn't pick up that it was a canbus car, sorry.

Some auto electricians have Examiner clones that will also do the set up.



i've booked my car into an auto electricians for the 4th jan, geting it looked at and see what he says, then the fiat garage may have to do it if this man can't.

thanks for the inputs. (y)
If your chosen Autospark has Examiner software he should be able to do it.


I have seen with a GM car that changing a door control module needed a column control module and a dash module to make it all work together.

Your autospark will be able to advise.


yep the whole lot was changed and my dash is fine, what controls the flashing the ecu or dash if its the dash I assume it must be able to be disabled.
Who you using for that out of interest? A local one?

mark green, do you use him? i used him for my alarm and r/c/l, going to also use him for electric windows in the near future - i reccomend him.

cost me less than 30 quid at local dealer, once i had got past the girl on the desk and made her go find a det to explain what i was on about

doesn't seem too bad, i'll see what my local auto electrician says haha.

some times you can just be lucky and not get the flashing

would have been alot less hassle.
not sure if they'll be compatible but you could have the micropic swopped over or cloned
Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting it again?

What about if you put origional back in. Does that flash now?

tried reconnecting and disconnecting still does the same.

when i put the original in it is static - doesn't flash on and off.

not sure if they'll be compatible but you could have the micropic swopped over or cloned

what do you mean by this :confused:

Theres a chip in the dash that stores all the information, if you can either swop them over or read your old one and flash it to the new dash.

But I suspect that the contents will be different between the rev and non-rev counter dashboards so may not work. When I got my ecu I was asked whether it had a rev counter so I suspect that the problem of flashing leds only starts when you go from no-rev to rev counter or vice versa as I had no problems.