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New member
Apr 18, 2010
Goole, East Riding
I bought my Grande Punto about a month ago, and this summer I intend to do a couple of modifications on the exterior (nothing too ambitious, new alloys, new tail pipe, new lights and front grille and possibly lower the ride height).

The guy who had the car before me put this bad on the boot lid and I want to get rid of it (being as it belongs to a Clio Sport, not a Punto)


Can anyone write me, or link me to a guide explaining how best to remove it? All help will be greatly appreciated :)

Also, here's my car before any modifications ...

Ye heat it up with a hair dryer and then with a bit on dental floss make a sawwing acction around the badge and under to get it off. But what ever you do dont do it like this [nomedia=""]YouTube- How to De-badge a Car[/nomedia]
And it won't leave any sort of "sport" outline?

I've seen many cars with outlines and marks left over from badges that've been removed.


Ye heat it up with a hair dryer and then with a bit on dental floss make a sawwing acction around the badge and under to get it off. But what ever you do dont do it like this YouTube- How to De-badge a Car

That was one of my more favourable options :(

<not really :p)

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On my 02 plate Punto GO! I removed the 'GO!' sticker, it was quite easy to remove and I just used a very small amount of nail polish remover to get the excess glue off then cleaned it with maguires paint cleaner, polish and wax..

ilooks loads better now but there is a slight shadow where the sticker used to be.. but thats just where the sticker has protected the paint in that area for 8 years whereas the rest of the car has faded slightly.. its not noticable though, well unless I pointed out exactly where it was :)
Get some some hot soapy water, not boiling but hot. Then pour it behind the badge and use a credit card to slide behind and pull the badge off, keep pouring the water to ensure it comes off easy. then use some turps/lighter fluid to remove the excess sticky stuff. Just did it, looks sweet!
Get some some hot soapy water, not boiling but hot. Then pour it behind the badge and use a credit card to slide behind and pull the badge off, keep pouring the water to ensure it comes off easy. then use some turps/lighter fluid to remove the excess sticky stuff. Just did it, looks sweet!

That's what I'm gonna do but with a hairdryer :)
Not sure whether to do just my 'Fiat' or my 'Punto' aswell?

done it it came off a treat, used the hairdryer and dental floss then soapy water to get all the residue off, finished with a coat of tcut you cant tell there was ever a badge :)

Muahahahaaaaa :)

I think I'm gonna do mine today, spare of the moment thing?
I'm just hoping it goes okay!

A friend of mine did his with a stanley knife and scratched all his paint work!!! idiot!!! haha :yum:

done it it came off a treat, used the hairdryer and dental floss then soapy water to get all the residue off, finished with a coat of tcut you cant tell there was ever a badge :)

One last step to carry it is that you should go and pop a little wax on that whole area as T-Cut is abrasive and just cut back a little bit of your Laquer layer.
I did this to mine yesterday, I used a hairdryer then sticky stuff remover, worked a treat. I left the punto "P" on in a different position, not sure if I like it though, we'll see.
just done mine, see attachments :)

wheeyyyyyyy (y)

it's left a slight shadow when you look closely though, quite obvious but not too noticable unless pointed out... anyone got any idea on how to sort this?

Thaaaanks :p


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just done mine, see attachments :)

wheeyyyyyyy (y)

it's left a slight shadow when you look closely though, quite obvious but not too noticable unless pointed out... anyone got any idea on how to sort this?

Thaaaanks :p

Looks spot on. Try some T-cut on the affected area.