Technical Creaky clutch pedal, hard to select 1st gear.

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Technical Creaky clutch pedal, hard to select 1st gear.

903cc Cinquecento S

New member
Jul 25, 2017
Hi guys,

Wondered if there's any advice out there regarding my clutch and gearbox.

Problem 1: Clutch pedal has started to creak when releasing the pedal, most notably in gear.

Problem 2: About 50% of the time, it can be a bit of a mission to select first gear from neutral, feeling like the selector is only halfway in position.

Adjust the clutch pedal? Gearbox oil? Signs of needing a replacement clutch?

Thanks for the help people.
Yes, that creak sounds like it could be the clutch release bearing, which means that the clutch itself has probably been in there a while and may not be in the best condition (although release bearing does not mean the clutch itself is knackered). The bearing could also be wearing into the clutch plate fingers which is why the gears are difficult to shift, since the clutch isn't being completely disengaged.

To change the bearing you need to take the gearbox off the car.. then unless the clutch looks absolutely brand new (which I'm guessing yours won't...) replace the bearing and the clutch together.

Ralf S.
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If you have a heavy pedal and its is high to engage etc.
Its most likely a clutch replacement is required.
But you could try dropping a few drops of oil around the bottom of the clutch fork release arm.
I have done that in the past when the bushes get dry, because of its location it can pick up a lot of water, salt and grit.
It made the clutch pedal easier to move.
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