i have got to replace my front drivers side shock how easy is it to do it with out a spring compressor could i undo the nut on top then jack the car up to relase the spring and then do the reverse to put the new shock on?
i have got to replace my front drivers side shock how easy is it to do it with out a spring compressor could i undo the nut on top then jack the car up to relase the spring and then do the reverse to put the new shock on?
You really dont want to change it without spring compressors as the springs are under pressure when they are on the damper and putting new springs on would be nigh on impossible.
But yes loosen the top nut before starting as it makes it alot easier to remove the spring when the struts off the car
ps...should be able to get the compressors for around £20.00 from machine mart etc or else take the strut round to a garage to change the springs over
noooooooo dont do that the spring will fly off. use a spring compressor by all means never just unscrew the bolt the spring will fly off at a huge force and cause major damage !!!