Tuning Changed exhaust? to...?

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Tuning Changed exhaust? to...?


...& the Stormtrooper!
Apr 16, 2008
Hi FF,

I am contemplating changing the exhaust from cat and to the back ... or maybe just the back box.

Have any of you switched and to what and with what effect (sound, performance) ?

I am looking for something thats not too intrusive but gives a good roar when you floor it.

This one from G-Tech looks and sounds awesome :D but its for the Abarth Grande Punto :(


(did write them about the rumors of making a Bravo version....but havent heard from them :( )

Well here is my exhaust... check it out... I took the middle resonator off and the rear muffler is heaps smaller. Its straight through.

I agree with stormi, get a custom exhaust, they always sound better. Mass-manufactured exhausts can sometimes sound a bit tinny.

Here's my custom exhaust on 90hp Bravo, its quite subtle tone with lots of burbling :) It actually sounds quite a bit different now as this video was filmed just as I got the car and took it to get exhaust put on, but now with GSR kit and the fact that its worn in a bit it sounds beastly :D.

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Guys... thanx .. I have already talked to a local company called OneTwoPipe... and they say they can custom make me an exhaust... so upon your advices I think I will go down that road :D thanx again
uuh... well... I was kind of thinking having somthing that looks like the GPA Gtech made...


2x1 in matte or shiny black or maybe even red... :rolleyes:

..and then I would like to have a valve that bypasses the middle silencer that I can turn off/on from the cabin ... possibly underneath the ASR button....

That would be super cool allowing for more sound when alone and less when driving with the misses or when having a headache (y)

The price i havent discussed with 12pipe yet... but i would recon something like in the region of lets say ... 3-500 £ i guess
I don't think that every custom garage can make the right calculations for the proper exaust air flow and right pressure at both points. Entry and exit point, and dimezions of pipes and back boxes.
If you care only about the sound of the car, then go ahead, custom is the cheapest choice.
Ragazzon is my choice and to me it's worth every penny.
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One of my bud's is getting one (CSC) fitted on his 156GTA... what I have heard is that its less "noisy" than a Ragazzon.. so a bit more moderate with a descent growl when flooring it.


Hope that GTech will soon come out of its "hiding" and produce an exhaust for my Bravo :rolleyes: Otherwise I might go for the custom one (with proper airflow mind you)
My Ragazzon isn't noisy...You just hear the airflow ( i can't discibe it in word's, but it's not like remus ). When you accelerate you just hear that wo0osh sound and it's great..
My Ragazzon isn't noisy...You just hear the airflow ( i can't discibe it in word's, but it's not like remus ). When you accelerate you just hear that wo0osh sound and it's great..

Hi, I am new to this wonderful forum, and want to ask you about the ragazzon. I have a t-jet 120hp with dual logic transmission. Do you recommend changing the center silencer to be a straight pipe and also fitting the rear silencer or just fitting the rear only? Thanks
If my memory is correct, my tjet has only two boxes ( front and exaust ). If you are talking about replacing the catalyst with a ordinary pipe, i don't know how would the engine behave. I've been wondering the same thing, because of the 600 euros of price difference between just a pipe and a sport's cat from ragazzon and less restricted flow.