General Cento Valet Park

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General Cento Valet Park


Fiat Addict
Nov 26, 2003
in,on,or lookin at a Fiat
Took advantage of the good weather these last two days and gave all three Centos a full Emm styley valet!! -3 and a half hours each! :eek:

The drive looked like a valet park lol!! The next door neighbour kept sayin "still out here then!!"

Anyways im embarresed to say that this is the first time i have give my 'new' Seicento a good clean :eek: (not like me at all!)

I was surprised to find how many differences there are between the two seis!! Both are Red Sportings and V reg
Little things like...the space between the doors and the body, the noise of the doors shutting, the mirrors are different and bits on the Turbo Sei are red but on the Sporting Sei they are black.....interesting as i automatically thought they would be identical lol!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good clean, im sure my car would love that right about now. What do you use mate to clean the seats as my sis as made a mess in a few places? Kids.....who would have them
nah nowt like that lol!! eg....where the boot shuts the gap where you put fingers to lift it is narrower,... and on BOTH the doors the gap is wider, same with the bonnet!
i gave mine a quick clean today. cleaned once with cold water, then hot water soap wash, then rinsed. cleaned the mats with fabric cleaner too. will clean it some more tomorrow i think
sammiboo said:
I hate cleaning my car in winter.... we have a company at work that comes out and cleans our cars... gives them a mini valet for £15. So get that done once a month throughout winter.

dread to think what products they use!! :rolleyes:
sammiboo said:
They do!! also the guy who does it has a fiat van :D

They have always done a top job on my car I am happy with it.... but Emm is obviously a valet expert :p

wooo whos put your knickers in a twist tonight?! blimey!!!
I spent 8 hours cleaning, polishing and detailing my integrale before a London 2 Brighton run, it was immaculate, but still not as clean as the guy who uses £180 (I use £25 a tub imported Brazilian carnuba wax from USA which i thought was dear) a tub Zymol polish on his which and I kid you not you can eat as the carnuba wax is of such a high content & quality, and you apply with your bare hands, no cloths, bare hands :eek: needless to say he won the concours which is a very very hard thing to do in integrale terms as its a proper concours where everything has to be original, spotless and in most case blooming cleaner and shiner than new, I say clean it till its nice, but use it cos cars like that :D
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