Cardiovascular Exercise

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Cardiovascular Exercise



I have decided that having a modded car improves your cardiovascular respiratory system.

I have discovered that I can get up the multi-storey carpark in my local shopping centre but coming down is a different story. The front splitter won't have any of it!

So now I have to park at the bottom level and leg it up 4 levels of stairs - how good is that.....

I have a great looking car and also I'm now a size 8 (lol)!


Thanks Nikki - do you reacon I could get from 15 stone down to 12 with a splitter???

Re: !

LOL! U could give it a try. My little un wants me to sell the car cos he hates walking up the stairs!

Forget front splitters, twenty quid and half an hour with me Nik and you'll be a size six. :p
Nikki, tell me where you shop

So I can walk up the stairs behind you:)
Re: Re: Cardiovascular Exercise

Ian - the only way I'll end up a size 6 is running away from you!!!
Re: Re: Cardiovascular Exercise


I didn't get tinted windows for nothing you know!!!
Re: Re: Re: Cardiovascular Exercise

I was driving round a multistory car park only yesturday and was thinking how the hell i will get up the ramps with my body kit on - (when i get it fitted) lol. - Then i also remembered my drive is dam steep too :( - Could be fun lol.

Mr al.