car bashing ******s!

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car bashing ******s!



as our regulars know, i'm having an abarth bodykit fitted to my car. well on thursday, i made a complaint to the bodyshop about how long it was taking them to do the job.

i realise now that they were just very busy. but ****, am i glad they did keep it.

last night on our street there were three cars that had there windows smashed (our neighbours being one of them).
also, last night was the only evening that my car was not home in the last 8 months!
locally there were seven cars 'done' in total according to the police.

still, we can rest assured that the police are dealing with the case and the culprets will be arrested and get 3 year sentences (minimum) each. there were three of the bastards!
Sorry? Do you live in a country with a sensible judicial system?

Re: Re: car bashing ******s!

Surely they just get a telling off and get driven home.
Re: Re: car bashing ******s!

I cant fault that...3 years, about bloody time.

Saying that the gits who nicked my radio, got 9 months, with the fingerprints they got of my roof, apparently it was better that i didnt clean my car...and thats my excuse for not cleaning it
Re: Re: Re: car bashing ******s!

Won't get away with that with a white car. Tractors splashing mud on those back roads'll soon muck it up.

still, we can rest assured that the police are dealing with the case and the culprets will be arrested and get 3 year sentences (minimum) each. there were three of the bastards!

[sorry for the sarcasm]

to be honest they would most likely be cautioned, in fact the thing that would worry them most is the telling off they get from there mummy.

needless to say, i will be investing in a baseball bat.
if the law can't deal with such criminals, and if that means me becoming a 'criminal' whilst looking after my property, then so be it! *

anyone else with me on this one?

*if you are a policeman reading this, i am only joking**

the **** i am!
Re: Re: car bashing ******s!

Hmmmm. I used to live in Emneth and I think there is at least one resident there who may agree with you. Also, if you live anywhere near an area with lots of chromed caravans I wouldn't recommend it.

still, we can rest assured that the police are dealing with the case and the culprets will be arrested and get 3 year sentences (minimum) each. there were three of the bastards!

[sorry for the sarcasm]

to be honest they would most likely be cautioned, in fact the thing that would worry them most is the telling off they get from there mummy.

needless to say, i will be investing in a baseball bat.
if the law can't deal with such criminals, and if that means me becoming a 'criminal' whilst looking after my property, then so be it! *

anyone else with me on this one?

*if you are a policeman reading this, i am only joking**

**the **** i am!

sorry for repeating my last message.

dont get me started on caravans!!
my boss who takes the **** out of me for driving a yellow punto, also pulls a caravan!
find it hard to understand how he can critise my car,
at least it aint pulling a ****ing box on wheels around!

we dont get gypo's around our area anymore since the council put a trench all the way round braunstone park.
have you thought of changing your name to "tony martin".
Seriously though, (being on the receiving end of these scumbags a few times) i'd love to get my hands on them and tear their fingernails off.

Re: caravans

Thank you Leicester City Council!!!!

Craig, the bastards now seem to end up in Loughborough!
Couldn't fill in that trench, could you, please?

tony martin [off topic]

to be honest i cant fault the guys action.
if somebody breaks into a house they should accept the consequences.

apparently, even criminals have a right to protection under the law, you would have thought that if a crim had broken the law, those rights would be taken away from them.

i'm not saying i would have shot them in the head, i would have shot them in the knee. after that, i'd request that they left my home and taken their leg with them :)
Re: tony martin [off topic]

in my opinion they have quite obviously entered his property without concent or authority therefore they have no rights. His biggest mistake was missing the other two. I think the law is completley backwards and if i was a judge and this case had come to me i would have laughed it out of the court room. It's a discrace!
Re: Re: tony martin [off topic]

a tip is to keep a baseball AND a kitchen knife next to youre bed....if anyone breaks in smash their kneecaps with the baseball bat, knock them out and put the knife in their hand claiming that you they picked it up off the worktop in the kitchen and u used reasonable force!
Re: Re: Re: tony martin [off topic]

Yeah.. I hate car vandals I really do! The other night (Sunday) someone snapped the Mercedes Badge of my dads car I bought him. So he had it replaced today and I'm up tonight (Hence the time of message posting) cus I swear if I see anyone even looking strangly at any of our cars on the front I'll stab them without any doubt. - the badge just above the grill I'm on about.

Here's a pic of the Merc incase anyone is interested ;)

Re: Re: Re: Re: tony martin [off topic]

There was I up and about for a bit o car vandalism and the bugger was sitting behind his bedroom window watching with aknitting needle in his hand. Tsk, cant some people sleep.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tony martin [off topic]

ha ha ha very funny Nigel!

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