As soon as my shares come into fruition 2000 GBP to spend Huraahh I find out im getting promoted and a bloody company car. Ive has my Bavo for just over a year and was going to use the money to by a kit and whack some ampage in the thing. I know a new job is good with loadsa money but hell what I am going to do for entertainment at lunch time without the forum.
I know what some of u will say (I feel like I know u allas ive been viewing the forum for a year but hardly say anything)I could just still read the forum but that would feel like sitting outside an ex girlfs house just to catch a glimpse.
So anyway apart from my life story I need your help 20000 GBP 5 seater comfortably( ie bigger than a Bravo)
and I do 17000 miles a year to work and back- any sugestions from the ilustrios bravo forum crew.
And Nige as im probs having to get rid of Bravo whats ur email so I can mail a photo or two to retain the memory!!
As soon as my shares come into fruition 2000 GBP to spend Huraahh I find out im getting promoted and a bloody company car. Ive has my Bavo for just over a year and was going to use the money to by a kit and whack some ampage in the thing. I know a new job is good with loadsa money but hell what I am going to do for entertainment at lunch time without the forum.
I know what some of u will say (I feel like I know u allas ive been viewing the forum for a year but hardly say anything)I could just still read the forum but that would feel like sitting outside an ex girlfs house just to catch a glimpse.
So anyway apart from my life story I need your help 20000 GBP 5 seater comfortably( ie bigger than a Bravo)
and I do 17000 miles a year to work and back- any sugestions from the ilustrios bravo forum crew.
And Nige as im probs having to get rid of Bravo whats ur email so I can mail a photo or two to retain the memory!!