peter m
On friday I'm trading in my Bravo 80sx for a Stilo 1.6 active 3door. Which means the CD changer will be coming out. I've enquired at my local in-car entertainment shop if it is compatible with the Stilo's head unit but they can't tell me until they see it. So if it won't fit i'll want to sell it, maybe to somebody on this site. But how much is it worth? I paid £250 about two years ago and i'ts worked perfectly. dead easy to fit aswell. I don't know how i'll cope with just cassettes in the Stilo till
i get it sorted. Maybe I'll leave the music off and listen to the car not squeeking or rattling! I will miss my Bravo though when it's gone....
i get it sorted. Maybe I'll leave the music off and listen to the car not squeeking or rattling! I will miss my Bravo though when it's gone....