Technical Bonnet too high?

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Technical Bonnet too high?


New member
Feb 21, 2013

Just bought a 2007 Bravo but it seems like my bonnet isn't at the right place? (The space between bumper and bonnet seems to be too big, isn't it?)


Can I easily adjust it?

Thanks in advance!
It's not a new front bumper.

Mines the same, went in to get a new radiator under warranty and came back with what looks to me like a larger gap, I am pretty convinced the imbeciles at Arnold Shark never put the bumper back on correctly but everything seems to line up.

Saying that every time my car goes near them they think it's ok not to put all bolts/screws back on.
Yeah this should be a simple fix. Mines a pain, too low and it rattles, and adjust it so it don't rattle and it sits to high like in the picture.... I'll get it just right one day haha
My bonnet is also like that and also has a bit of play in it which suggests it could also be a dodgy lock? You can see it move up and down quite a bit, I though it wasn't shut properly the first time I spotted it! along with some nice rattles.
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