Best Deal For detailing

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Best Deal For detailing

Jan 9, 2007
Right i am in the market for a decent detailing kit for the old man's Bday but i dont know a lot about this stuff so can anybody recommend me something around the £50 mark with wax and a mitt excetera. It will need to be better that Meguires though.
Right i am in the market for a decent detailing kit for the old man's Bday but i dont know a lot about this stuff so can anybody recommend me something around the £50 mark with wax and a mitt excetera. It will need to be better that Meguires though.

you'd be better making your own kit up rather than buying him a "kit"

get a small tool bag

then furnish it with the stuff you want

probably cant go wrong with the Bilt hamber range

I just got all this meg's stuff for £50 ;) brandnew
Not very keen on the megs stuff if i am at all honest

the Gold class shampoo seems to kill wax rather fast and god knows whats in it, I appear to be allergic to something in it and my skin on my hand dries and peels off :yuck:

The polish isn't bad just not a patch on Super resin polish

the gold class wax doesn't last very long IME

the tire shine isn't bad tho neither is teh microfiber mitt or the foam polish/wax pads

(don't mean to **** on your chips coyle just that i have used it and am able to compare it to other stuff (y) )
Thanks for the replies. ROFL At this thread now i know what some people must think when i talk about ICE.
I have read the thread and the links and i am now even more confused than when i started. :bang:. I am very intrigued but still confused.
I am in a bit of a hurry to get this now as i thought it would be a simple open and shut question. :rolleyes: How very wrong i was.
So if you had £50 to get a car shiny preferable for different coloured cars what would you buy.