Technical BCM questions

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Technical BCM questions


Feb 3, 2024
I have tried to find more information regarding the body control modules, but I'm constantly fighting the search function.

As I understood, the IMMO is within the BCM module. If you have a bad BCM and want to replace it, you have to go to dealership?
Or are there tools to read the IMMO dump from the BCM and copy/clone the info to other simular BCM module?

I have done this on other cars (VW Passat) and replaced the module that holds the IMMO
Does any one have experiance with this?
Is it known what eeProm the BCM uses for IMMO?
Since no one reacted, where can I find wiring diagrams and pinout scematics of BCM and parts connected directly to the BCM.
Who can help me with that?
as I understand, IMMO is on the BCM. So I would like to buy a identical one to see what type of eeprom is used.
Then clone it. I also want to see what the differences are between the current models with uconnect on BCM and the ones with blue and me
I did lots of modifications in VAG cars and basics look to me the same. Im going to dig deeper
I use for diagnostic MES and depending what kind of eeprom is on the board you will need a clamp tool to read the eeprom.
Someone recently posted the attached.... sorry can't recall who


  • 427552020-359647348-Fiat-Bsi-Wiring-Diagrams-PDF.pdf
    431.2 KB · Views: 28
Well, there is stuff out there, just not for Fiats, unless you want to pay pro kit prices. There are lots of services out there too.
There is no easy way but to spend time researching.
I'd quite like to get a spare for my car to explore.