At last ...HGT v Abarth Stilo

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At last ...HGT v Abarth Stilo



Well it had to happen at some time. I was at the bank today when along came a Broom Yellow Stilo Abarth. Bloke who was driving it looked the exact replica of that fat c*** in the Fat Boy Slim video! Anyhow, started asking him about it and how what he thought about it (hed obviously had a Astra before!) before I pointed my flying banana out to him. His conversation turned sarcastic so I offered him a little bite at the cherry which he took.

Accleration: Bravo 1 v 0 Stilo
Roundabouts: Bravo 1 v 0 Stilo
Braking: Bravo 1 v 1 Stilo
Leamington Spa to Rugby: Bravo 4 v 0 Stilo

I must admit I dont think that I could have driven his Stilo much closer ot the limit than he did as he did keep up on some corners but the HGT just kept pulling away.

He did admit to being surprised at the Bravo and I must admit I also thought I would blow him away more than I did. One thing he did say though was that the sequential gear change was getting better and better all the time and that to start with it was a dog. He had done just over 4,000 in it and it was starting to respond how he expected it to.

Sooo maybe they are 80% the car that the HGT was and not the 50% I originally thought.

PS. The Jag has already broken down with all the fluid pissing out of the power steering!
HGT Vs Abarth Stilo

Hi Nige,

Interesting stuff. I'll b making my own mind up soon when I get a test drive booked. But, like u say, I'm not expecting anything remarkable.



P.S Thanx 4 the mail about the roof rack...gonna pick a Thule Rack System up from Halfords 4 the same price next week.
And you take the **** out of Max power???

Sanctomonious or what.

Sounds to me like your a real cruising boy race machine......

Please feel free to patronise my coments Nigel.


just as i was just about to say

'I wouldn't have thought of you as a street racer Nige'
Not at all

You are both off the mark. It wasn't a case of revving up at the light and throwing Big Mac wrappers at each other. This was a serious discussion where we decided what to do and where to go and what we were going to test...hardly Lax Power with 1.6 engines revving to the hilt!

I was actually on the way to get a curry, I hardly think "cruising for a race", especially in a Bravo is my thing.

Feel free to comment again, but my conscience is very clear.

and another thing

my radio isn't loud enough so I have another excuse!

Your radio may not be loud enough...

... but your paint work certainly is! :p
Born again street boy

Didnt want your cuury to get cold did you nige ?
Re: Not at all

Good responce Nigel very tactile!!!!
Nige going for a curry

Re: Nige going for a curry

Don't need to bother with all that stuff on here

Curry in Hurry

The REAL question is, did you maintain the stability of the vehicle so that there was no spillage of curry oil in the car?

That's the TRUE TEST.

I always drive far too fast and have curry leaks to clean up after. Reckon i'm just a racing gal!

Soz Boyz
You are doing it all wrong!

To keep the curry stable at speed you hang the bag off the FM handles in the rear. That way it swings at the correct angle to keep the contents in the containers. I thought everyone did that...or am I just one step ahead of the game as I must admit I have never actually SEEN anyone else do it!

Re: You are doing it all wrong!

Thanx for that. It makes my D&G suit look tame compared to a swinging curry bag.

I've also not noticed whether other people have that knack...maybe we're driving a little too fast at the time? Maybe we're hell bent on going for that curry??

Damn, i'll never meet anyone living in the fast lane!

Turning Tide

I reckon' that there are one or two people who are warming to the Stilo Abarth. This leads me to a number of questions. Firstly, is it likely that a manual version will be available in the future? Secondly, the engine is 2.4 litres - meaning that the sequential change means a delay in power delivery? or is it just heavier than the Bravo? Appart from the Clutch, what are the benefits of sequential system?

It would be interesting to hear from someone who owns a Stilo Abarth. Nigel, you might have been quicker that Mr Fatboy Slim Video Man because he is indeed very fat and it slowed the car :)
Weight versus age

True, but Nige is a hell of a lot older, surely the fat guy would have quicker reactions?

I test drove and abarth a while ago, i thought it was pants - bacuase of the gearbox.

When you change gear, wether in manual or automatic mode, the car lurches. You have to take you foot off the throttle while it changes. Plus the gearchange is very slow, it feels like it takes forever to change gear once you pressed the button.
I've done a lot of racing in different cars, some with sequential boxes. I tried the stilo cos i thought the sequential box would be fun, but its quite the opposite, it takes too long to change. It should be take foot off throttle flick switch and back on throttle in a second, but it doesnt work like that.
For those of you that have driven an automatic, it is more like manually changing it on the stick that way, slow and awkward.

I asked if they were going to make a manual, the salesman said he was not aware of a manual version being released.

I'm gonna stick with my bravo.
My Humble Opinion

Hi guys,

I just got back from my FIAT dealer where I test drove the Stilo Abarth. Here's my humble opinion...

I've driven FIAT's now 4 over 10 years and the main reasons 4 this r FIAT's uncanny ability 2 give u much more for your pound than any other manufacturer and that FIAT's design always stands out from any other.
So when I saw the Stilo in both it's guises, I, like many others, had a heavy heart. The 5 door, altho' practical, is as ugly as sin and many dead Italian designers would b spinning in their graves at the thought of this car actually being designed by Centro Stile. The 3 door, on the other hand, retains the boldness of the Bravo and looks an altogether better proposition.

The first thing that hit me when I lowered my self in2 the electronically adjustable seats was the sparseness and simple design of the interior. You can't miss the large LCD screen slap bang in the middle of the dash and my head started 2 spin when I saw how many knobs, buttons and dials there were. How on earth was I going 2 learn how 2 use all of this ??

So I limited myself 2 what I needed 2 know 2 actually drive the thing and I calmed down a little. The 2.4L 20v 5 pot engine is basically the same as the 2.0L 20v engine in the HGT, but bored out and brought up 2 date 4 EU emmisions (which the Stilo is 3 years ahead of). Quite simply, FIAT had 2 redesign the engine 4 these standards, and these standards suck the life out of any engine, so they bored it out 2 2.4L 2 regain the power. The fact that they have been able 2 retain the power of the HGT so closely yet reduce emmisions so low is a testament 2 FIAT's engineers abilities.

It doesn't sound 2 disimilar to the HGT when u rev the engine. It still has that 5 pot roar that us HGT owners love so much.

But......(and there had 2 b a but !) the performance is not quite the same. This is all down 2 the Selespeed gearbox system. U will always get an instant gratification from a manual box, by it's very definition, and auto boxes will always try 2 give u smooth responses but with the sacrifice of a little power. So 2 combine both, u must appreciate that u can't have ur cake and eat it. I had read all the reports of this gearbox and waited 2 experience those jerks and judders myself.

Sure enough, my first attempt at pulling away was rewarded with an awful lurch when I changed up 2 2nd. But by the 3rd or 4th attempt, I had begun 2 get the hang of it and was able 2 pull away from a stop, be it fast or slow with little or no lurching whatsoever.

2 drive a selespeed box, u really cannot expect to change thru the gears with ur foot hard 2 the floor thru every change and not expect a little lurch here or there. The knack is 2 back off the throttle ever so slightly and smoothness will follow.

Now, practice makes perfect and I only had an hour or so, but I pretty much got the hang of it all within 20 minutes. So all these reports of a clunky, unresponsive gearbox are, in my opinion, based on a lack of understanding in how 2 use the system. The other opinion that the gearbox settles down after about 4000 miles is probably due 2 the driver actually getting the hang of how 2 use it more than a mechanical thing. Sure, people who drive sequential geared cars in competition might slag this box off, but remember, this is a road going car and not a competition car. Race cars have gearboxes that cost as much, sometimes, as a typical family hatch so how can any1 expect the same thing in a road car ?

So, all this gear box malarky results in a slightly less responsive pull away than the HGT and a slower acceleration thru the mid range. But ultimately, the performance is not too different from the HGT. I would best describe it as more refined.

The Stilo Abarth is more a Grand Tourer than a hot hatch and if u get in2 the car with this in mind, u will not b disappointed. The HGT is more raucous and instant and is very much a hot hatch, but the Stilo Abarth is a more refined and luxurious drive altogether, yet it has the ability 2 storm away at speed and hold it at the top end.

Styling wise, the exterior is bold and distinctive and the added skirts and spoilers finish it off very nicely. Inside the car, as I said b4, it is very teutonic in design, which is sad, but it results in an extremely practical and efficient cabin. The LCD panel between the speedo and rev counter is also very handy, allowing u 2 keep ur eyes where they should b.
The drivers seat is totally electronic in it's movement with the ability 2 store 3 groups of settings so there'l b no more complaining when the wife messes up ur perfect driving position !

My only gripe is that the back seat seems set further 4ward than the HGT. The only benefit of this is a larger boot, which, if we're honest, is welcome after the paltry excuse 4 a boot in the Bravo.

All in all, once u've learnt the system and understood what all the buttons do, the Stilo Abarth is a rewarding and pleasurable car 2 drive. A street racer it ain't but it will hold it's own against any of it's competition.

I have read numerous reports of the Stilo Abarth and thought the only way 2 decide is 2 try it myself. I suggest u do the same. Had this car got a VW badge or a Ford badge on it, people would b dancing in the streets and raving about this car, but it's a FIAT and as all u FIAT owners know, the marque still has a stigma attached 2 it.

Get in the car with an open mind, 4get ur HGT (if u have 1) and treat this as a whole new driving experience. Then maybe it will dawn on u like it did me, that FIAT haven't actually got it all that wrong :) Well, not with this car anyway ! :)



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