Everyone who hasn't had a rat says the same thing about the tails. My mum freaked when I brought Honda the rat home. I gently introduced my mum to her, and she then thought she was sweet apart from the tail. Next thing I knew I couldn't keep my mum away from her! She was always coming into my room to give her treats
Don't forget that a domestic rat is a very different animal to a wild rat. It's a bit like comparing a wolf with an Alsatian. Same ancestors, but very different animals. Domestic rats are very clean and don't carry disease. Wild rats are, as you correctly said, disease ridden vermin.
I'd have a rat like no tomorrow, but not while we have a Jack Russell!
But if you can't get past the tail then you won't get on with them
I still love the name 'Fluffy' for a Tarantula! They are quite interesting pets, though I'm not sure I'd have one
Do they bite or sting? Don't they have jaws (pincers?) for eating their prey?
Mind you, they're probably great for clearing out a party when the guests won't leave. "Who wants to see my pet spider?" (room clears out instantly!)
Had a similar effect in my biology class when the tutor brought some of his pet snakes in. They were only small (garter snakes I think), but most of the class were pinned against the back wall as far away as possible. Me, I went over and held one of the snakes and let it slither over my arms
William looks great! So are you definitely having him? And are you prepared for sleepless nights while William does the Chinchilla nocturnal stuff?!!